Updating the Using Sound section of the pdf

We have just pushed a small update to future proof the Using Sound section of the game, as we are working with the fantastic composer Alaric Jewitt to create bespoke audio tracks for Haunting.

The Using Sound section  now reads: 

During play, you will prompted to listen to some small audio tracks as part of the game.

These tracks are intended to help create a feeling and mood for the game, giving the players time to close their eyes and imagine the House in all it’s spookiness.

When asked to take a Rest, you should listen to the track that matches the amount of time the House sits vacant for.

All of these audio tracks have been composed specifically for Haunting by the incredibly talented Alaric Jewitt and can be found over on our website:


The page your are linked to however will still contain the previous game text, which point you to use the fantastic audio tracks that were composed for the game Artefact, whilst we continue to develop our own tracks.

Thank you to everyone that has checked out the game so far and look out for an update when the audio has been completed.

Dale & Peter


haunting-playsheet.png 327 kB
Sep 28, 2021
haunting.pdf 1.6 MB
Oct 08, 2021

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