A downloadable lumen game

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AUTOMATA is a rules-lite, robot role-playing game for three to five players.

You play as a team of robotic super heroes, sworn to protect the innocent. Diabolical villains threaten to take over the world with their hordes of mechanical monstrosities. Using your unique powers and abilities, you must work together to foil their dastardly plans.

This game is a homage to some of the movies, video games, and cartoons from our childhood, that still evoke fond memories in us today and helped to inspire our young imaginations.



Kick-start your robot adventures with Gloombots Invade - a one-shot adventure for AUTOMATA. The heroes will fend off dangerous Gloombots whilst attempting to save the Commander and Pickles the cat!


Need a soundtrack for your game session? Check out the AUTOMATA playlist, made just for our game by the fantastic tabletop designer Sam Leigh

Put it on while you play and you'll find plenty of bleeps and bloops to save the world too!


The most recent version of AUTOMATA was released for Lumen Jam 2. It features streamlined rules, clearer layout and a banana cannon.


AUTOMATA was originally itchfunded as part of the Lux Collective


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

automata_v2.pdf 5.3 MB
LEGACY-automata-v1.pdf 3.4 MB
Automata v2.0 txt.pdf 125 kB

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